The trunks on the 70-80 year old trees are almost 3 feet in diameter!
As this photo shows, there is no trip hazard from roots raising the sidewalk or curb. Leaf debris can be swept up with a broom!
Contact Mayor Tornek & the Pasadena City Council to demand that these healthy old shade trees be spared!
Please speak up for the trees!
Appeal the secret legal settlement with the commercial building owner that condemned these trees with no public notice or involvement! Request a delay in “tree execution” along with an independent inspection to determine what, if any, damage is actually being caused by the trees.
Pasadena needs to explore alternatives to killing the Indian Laurel Fig trees. Such measures may be far less expensive than cutting down three massive trees!
Mature street trees have high financial, aesthetic, environmental, and emotional value to the community. Pasadena has once again failed to defend its “urban forest.”
Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek
CC: Mark Jomsky, City Clerk:
(626) 744-4111 (626) 744-4222
Pasadena City Hall
100 N. Garfield Avenue, Room S228
P.O. Box 7115
Pasadena, CA 91109
Pasadena City Council:
Same land mail address as the Mayor above.
Councilmember Tyron Hampton (District 1)
(626) 744-4444
Councilmember Margaret McAustin (District 2)
(626) 744-4742
Councilmember John J. Kennedy (District 3)
(626) 744-4738
Councilmember / Vice Mayor Gene Masada (District 4)
(626) 744-4740
Councilmember Victor Gordo (District 5)
(626) 744-4741 or (626) 831-8609
Councilmember Steve Madison (District 6)
(626) 744-4739
Councilmember Andy Wilson (District 7)
(626) 441-4802 |